New interactive website displays massive butterfly and moth collection

Alaska’s premier butterfly specialist, Ken Philip, created the world largest private collection of arctic Lepidoptera. Anyone can now take a virtual tour of the hundreds of drawers in his collection

The collection can be viewed at the URI below.

Presentations from the 12th annual meeting

Presentations and audio from the 12th annual meeting are now available via the links below.

Forest Health Conditions Report 2018
Stephen Burr, USDA Forest Service

Large worms at large: Nightcrawlers change Alaskan forests
Matt Bowser, USFWS

Climate change in Alaska: Impacts on the entomofauna 
Derek S. Sikes, UAF, UAM

Southcentral Alaska spruce beetle outbreak: Observations from the field
Jason Moan, Alaska DNR

The effects of climate change on invasive species and their impacts on forests and rangelands
Chris Fettig, USDA Forest Service

Gates of the Arctic pollinators
Jessica Rykken, NPS

Proceedings of the 17th annual Alaska Invasive Species Workshop

Presentations from the 17th annual Alaska Invasive Species Workshop have been posted at the URI below.

Direct links to arthropod-related presentations:

Electrofishing and kick seining efforts for invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) on Kodiak Island, Alaska – Kelly Krueger, Sun’aq Tribe of Kodiak. Project video

Leafminers in Alaskan birch – Stephen Burr, USDA, Forest Service, Forest Health Protection

Asian gypsy moth detection and response in the Pacific Northwest, 2015 and 2016 – Clinton Campbell, USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, and Timothy B. St. Germain, Plant Protection and Quarantine

Ticks parasitizing dogs, cats, humans and wild vertebrates in Alaska: invasion potential – Kimberlee Beckmen, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation.

A poem: Moths

One night as I was going out
A little moth I saw.
It was so very delicate
I only gawked in awe.
It was so very beautiful
It flew without a sound.
It fluttered around our porch light
And landed on the ground.
I watched it flit and float about
And stop at our front door.
And then it quietly flew away
And it was seen no more.

by Ethan Bowser, age 11

Presentations from the 10th annual meeting

Presentations and audio from the 10th annual meeting are now available via the links below.

Willow rose cecids via Lifescanner
Matt Bowser, USFWS Kenai National Wildlife Refuge (audio, lyrics & chords)

Alaska Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey – 2016 field season
Jacque Schade, Alaska Department of Natural Resources (audio)

Lepidoptera highlights of 2016 at UAM
Kathryn Daly, Derek Sikes, Jayce Williamson, & Renee Nowicki, UAM, UAF (audio)

Phylogeny and revision of the rove beetle genus Phlaeopterus
Logan Mullen, UAF, UAM

2016 Forest health conditions and key insect species in Alaska
Stephen Burr and FHP Staff, FHP, USFS (audio)

2016 Forest insect impacts in Southcentral Alaska
Jason Moan, Alaska Division of Forestry (audio)

Entomology in Alaska’s national parks: centennial year BioBlitzes
Derek Sikes, UAM, UAF (audio)