Student Presentation Award and Student Poster Award


The Student Presentation Award is awarded each year for a presentation given at the annual meeting of the AKES to one student member based on the criteria below. Beginning in 2020, the Student Poster Award is awarded each year for a poster presented at the annual meeting to one student member based on the same criteria. (From 2010-2018 the award amount was $50, increased to $100 beginning in 2019.)

  • Presentation quality
  • Scientific quality
  • Depth of knowledge as demonstrated by answering audience questions

Award Recipients


Presentation: Robin Andrews – But what do they really eat? Adding DNA metabarcoding to stable isotope analysis to assess microarthropod diet.

Presentation: Taylor Kane – Description of two new Alaskan Boreus species (Mecoptera, Boreidae).


Presentation: Luke Lawson – An unusual grasshopper outbreak in Wood River, Alaska: A relic population of the presumed extinct Rocky Mountain Locust, Melanoplus spretus?


Presentation: Robin Andrews – Chasing 13C labeled recent photosynthate through belowground soil fauna food webs and finding it almost everywhere


Presentation: Taylor Kane – Searching for Boreus in Wrangell-St. Elias


Presentation: Taylor Kane – A taxonomic review of Alaskan snow scorpionflies

Poster: Robin Andrews – Soil microarthropods tell tales that vegetation hides


Presentation: Asia Sampson – A preliminary forensic entomology study in Interior Alaska, USA

Poster: Adam Haberski – Beetle, spider, and bumblebee communities differ across an elevational gradient in Denali National Park & Preserve, Alaska


Robin Andrews – Microarthropod abundance and community structure along a successional chronosequence within the Tanana River floodplain


Alexandria Wenninger – Predatory hymenopteran assemblages in boreal Alaska: associations with forest composition and postfire succession


Kathryn Daly – Lepidoptera highlights of 2016 at UAM (audio)


Molly McDermott – Response of arthropod communities to shrub expansion in Western Alaska (audio)


Alexandria Wenninger – Hymenoptera assemblages in aspen-dominated and black spruce-dominated post-fire successional trajectories in boreal black spruce forest of interior Alaska


Logan Mullen – Proposed research: A taxonomic revision of the rove beetle genus Phlaeopterus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Omaliinae) (audio)


Casey Bickford – Systematics of Alaskan Aegialites Beetles: Extremely Endemic or Oversplit?


Jonny Newman – Causes and consequences of variation in extrafloral nectar secretion by quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx)


Brandi Fleshman – Influence of field age on the ground spider community in managed grasslands, Delta Junction, Alaska

Jill Stockbridge – Effects of different logging practices on the beetles and spiders on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska (second place)


Brent Mortensen – Scales of predator mediated defense against an aspen (Populus tremuloides) specialist