Newsletter Submission Guidelines

Newsletter of the Alaska Entomological Society

General Information

Topics – The Newsletter of the Alaska Entomological Society is an editor-reviewed, annual publication dedicated to promoting entomology in Alaska. Submissions are open to a variety of article types, including but not limited to scientific manuscripts, short notes, announcements, historical and biographical sketches, and meeting proceedings relating to terrestrial invertebrates in Alaska, with a focus on Arthropoda.

Charges – There is no charge for current members of the Alaska Entomological Society (AKES) to publish in the newsletter. Non-members are encouraged to join the society prior to publication.

Published format – The newsletter is published electronically in both .html and .pdf formats and is available open-access on the AKES website.

Submission – Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the editors. The editors will assess that the submission is topical, appropriate, and written to a professional standard, and reserve the right to request changes for resubmission or outright reject submissions. All submissions must be in English.

Manuscript Preparation and Guidelines

  1. File submission format
    • Submit article text in Microsoft Word, Google Doc, or text format (.doc, .docx, or .txt)
  2. Title heading
    • Include the name, affiliation, city, and email address for all listed authors.
  3. Abstract
    • Optional, but strongly suggested for scientific manuscripts
  4. Text of article
    • Secondary headings are up to the discretion of the author. Scientific manuscripts should generally follow the standard introduction, methods, results, and discussion format.
  5. References
    • References should be cited in-text in author-date format.
    • All articles which cite references also should have an accompanying BibTeX file which includes all cited references. BibTeX files can be generated by citation manager programs; Zotero is an example of a free citation manager which can export collections as BibTeX files.
  6. Figures and Tables
    • All figures included in the article also must submitted as individual .jpg files.
    • Include a caption for all figures and tables.
    • Include alternate text for all images (alternate text describes the appearance of an image which can be helpful for those with visual impairments but also can provide context for all readers).
    • Submit tables in .csv format.

Last updated February 2025