First Alaskan records and a significant northern range extension for two species of Diplura (Diplura, Campodeidae)

Appearing in the journal ZooKeys on 15.Feb.2016, this article includes an introductory review of soil microarthropod research in Alaska.

Sikes DS, Allen RT (2016) First Alaskan records and a significant northern range extension for two species of Diplura (Diplura, Campodeidae). ZooKeys 563: 147-157. doi:10.3897/zookeys.563.6404

Climate oscillations, glacial refugia, and dispersal ability: factors influencing the genetic structure of the least salmonfly, Pteronarcella badia (Plecoptera), in Western North America

The article appeared in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology. See the URI below.

Sproul et al. 2015, Fig. 3. Fig. 3 A map showing the distribution of sample localities for P. badia across portions western North America. Clade membership (as identified in Fig. 4) for all specimens at a given locality is represented by color. Clade names are abbreviated as follows. Widespread (WS), Northern Rockies (NR), Western Great Basin (WGB), Pacific Northwest (PNW), Old Rio Grande (ORG), and Old Colorado Plateau (OCP)

Repeated Reticulate Evolution in North American Papilio machaon Group Swallowtail Butterflies

Generalized range map of current distributions of the Papilio machaon species complex in North America.

Generalized range map of current distributions of the Papilio machaon species complex in North America.

The article appeared in the journal PLOS ONE on October 30.


Dupuis JR, Sperling FAH (2015) Repeated Reticulate Evolution in North American Papilio machaon Group Swallowtail Butterflies. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0141882. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141882

Alaska freshwater crustacean news: crayfish reproducing in Alaska and a new obscure, interstitial, subterranean arthropod from Alaska

Signal crayfish breeding in the Buskin River drainage, Kodiak Island

It appears that the signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, is now established in Alaska.  See the articles below.

Invasive Species Breeding in Buskin River

Another Crawdaddy Found in Buskin

A new species of bathynellid from Alaska

Camacho, A.I., R.L. Newell, Z. Crete, B.A. Dorda, A.Casado., and I. Rey. 2015. Northernmost discovery of Bathynellacea (Syncarida: Bathynellidae) with description of a new species of Pacificabathynella from Alaska (USA). Journal of Natural History.

From the abstract:

A new species of the genus Pacificabathynella Schminke and Noodt, 1988 is described from groundwaters of Alaska (USA). This is the first record of Bathynellacea Chappuis, 1915 from the far north of America.

These were from the Kwethluk River (60.34520N, 161.089146W) on the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge.


Bumble Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombus spp.) of Interior Alaska: Species Composition, Distribution, Seasonal Biology, and Parasites.

The article appeared May 5 in Biodiversity Data Journal.

Pampell R, Sikes D, Pantoja A, Holloway P, Knight C, Ranft R (2015) Bumble Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombus spp.) of Interior Alaska: Species Composition, Distribution, Seasonal Biology, and Parasites. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e5085. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e5085

Alder (Alnus incana tenuifolia) mortality agent complex effects on riparian zone habitat

Distribution of alder dieback mapped during 2011 Aerial Detection Survey.

Distribution of alder dieback mapped during 2011 Aerial Detection Survey.

The report including this chapter was published in May 2015.

Kruse J.J., L. Winton, N. Lisuzzo, G. Adams, K. Zogas, and S. Swenson. 2015. Alder (Alnus incana tenuifolia) mortality agent complex effects on riparian zone habitat. pp. 187-195 in Potter, K. M. and B.L. Conkling, eds. Forest health monitoring: national status, trends, and analysis 2013. General Technical Report SRS-207. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Asheville North Carolina.