The Forest Health Conditions in Alaska- 2016

Hot off the Press… The Forest Health Conditions in Alaska- 2016.

The annual forest health conditions report provided by Forest Service R10, Alaska Region is available online (see link to pdf below). The conditions report contains, but is not limited to, information pertaining to forest insects in the state.



Cryptic diversity in the New World burying beetle fauna: Nicrophorus hebes Kirby; new status as a resurrected name (Coleoptera: Silphidae: Nicrophorinae)

This article, appearing December 13, 2016 in the journal Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny, pertains to the identity of Alaskan Nicrophorus vespilloides.

Sikes, D.S., S.T. Trumbo, and S.B. Peck. 2016. Cryptic diversity in the New World burying beetle fauna: Nicrophorus hebes Kirby; new status as a resurrected name (Coleoptera: Silphidae: Nicrophorinae). Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 74:299-309.

New Records of Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) From Dogs, Cats, Humans, and Some Wild Vertebrates in Alaska: Invasion Potential

The article appeared in the Journal of Medical Entomology on August 14.

Durden, L. A., K. B. Beckmen, and R. F. Gerlach. 2016. New Records of Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) From Dogs, Cats, Humans, and Some Wild Vertebrates in Alaska: Invasion Potential. Journal of Medical Entomology.