Building a DNA barcode library of Alaska’s nonmarine arthropods

The early version of this article in the journal Genome appeared in October 2016, but the final version was posted more recently.  Almost half (48.5%) of the known 8,277 Alaskan, non-marine-arthropod species now have associated DNA barcodes, enabling species identifications by DNA barcoding.

Sikes, D. S., M. L. Bowser, J. M. Morton, C. Bickford, S. Meierotto and K. Hildebrandt.  2017. Building a DNA barcode library of Alaska’s non-marine arthropods.  Genome 60:248-259.

Aquatic insect community structure and secondary production in southcentral Alaska streams with contrasting thermal and hydrologic regimes

In her M.Sc. thesis, dated December 2016, Samantha Hertel analyzed aquatic arthropod communities in the Copper River Delta.

Hertel, S. D. 2016. Aquatic insect community structure and secondary production in southcentral alaska streams with contrasting thermal and hydrologic regimes (Order No. 10241078). M.Sc. thesis, Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois.

The Forest Health Conditions in Alaska- 2016

Hot off the Press… The Forest Health Conditions in Alaska- 2016.

The annual forest health conditions report provided by Forest Service R10, Alaska Region is available online (see link to pdf below). The conditions report contains, but is not limited to, information pertaining to forest insects in the state.



Presentations from the 10th annual meeting

Presentations and audio from the 10th annual meeting are now available via the links below.

Willow rose cecids via Lifescanner
Matt Bowser, USFWS Kenai National Wildlife Refuge (audio, lyrics & chords)

Alaska Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey – 2016 field season
Jacque Schade, Alaska Department of Natural Resources (audio)

Lepidoptera highlights of 2016 at UAM
Kathryn Daly, Derek Sikes, Jayce Williamson, & Renee Nowicki, UAM, UAF (audio)

Phylogeny and revision of the rove beetle genus Phlaeopterus
Logan Mullen, UAF, UAM

2016 Forest health conditions and key insect species in Alaska
Stephen Burr and FHP Staff, FHP, USFS (audio)

2016 Forest insect impacts in Southcentral Alaska
Jason Moan, Alaska Division of Forestry (audio)

Entomology in Alaska’s national parks: centennial year BioBlitzes
Derek Sikes, UAM, UAF (audio)