Eleventh annual meeting, February 3, 2018

The eleventh annual meeting will be held in Anchorage on Saturday, February 3rd, 2018 in the new ​Anchorage Cooperative Extension​ office, in the Chugachmiut Tribal Consortium Building (1840 Bragaw Street).

Please email Kathryn Daly (president@akentsoc.org) with a presentation title, author, job affiliation, and approximate length of the presentation (suggested length of either 15 or 25 min + 5 min for questions), and/or agenda items for the business meeting. This will be used to build the agenda.  Our meeting minutes are posted from last year here.

We will also have a Friday night social event (2 February, 2018) but our meeting place is yet to be determined – please RSVP if you plan to attend the meeting so we can gain an estimate of attendance and determine whether we need to reserve a location.

Refuge Notebook: Mystery solved!

Large gulls congregate in a field off of Ciechanski Road in search of food.

The article documented Larus gulls feeding on the moth Crambus perlella in a hay field.

The unknown caterpillar sent off in a LifeScanner vial was subsequently identified as Crambus perlella from its DNA.