Two new articles pertaining to earthworms in Alaska

Reynolds, J. W., B. Godin, and D. Horwood. 2019. The first report of Arctiostrotus fontinalis (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) in Canada. Megadrilogica 24:17–21.

Reynolds, J. W. 2019. A summary of the status of earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) in checklists of the United States and Canada. Megadrilogica 24:51–65.

Presentations from the 12th annual meeting

Presentations and audio from the 12th annual meeting are now available via the links below.

Forest Health Conditions Report 2018
Stephen Burr, USDA Forest Service

Large worms at large: Nightcrawlers change Alaskan forests
Matt Bowser, USFWS

Climate change in Alaska: Impacts on the entomofauna 
Derek S. Sikes, UAF, UAM

Southcentral Alaska spruce beetle outbreak: Observations from the field
Jason Moan, Alaska DNR

The effects of climate change on invasive species and their impacts on forests and rangelands
Chris Fettig, USDA Forest Service

Gates of the Arctic pollinators
Jessica Rykken, NPS

First comprehensive list of non-native species established in three major regions of the United States

Part of a figure from Simpson and Eyler (2018) portraying numbers of non-native taxa in regions of Alaska.

The report was published on November 6 and includes records of non-native terrestrial invertebrates in Alaska.

Simpson, A. & Eyler, M. C. 2018. First comprehensive list of non-native species established in three major regions of the United States. Open-File Report 2018-1156. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey.

Simpson, A.; Eyler, M. C.; Cannister, M.; Libby, R.; Kozlowski, N.; Sellers, E. & Guala, G. F. 2018. Dataset of the first comprehensive list of non-native species established in three major regions of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey data release. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey.