New Publication: A worldwide review of the genus Arganthomyza Roháček, with revision of the Nearctic species (Diptera: Anthomyzidae)

In this monograph published in the journal Zootaxa in January, members of the genus Arganthomyza (formerly within Anthomyza) were treated.  Two of the five species described as new occur in Alaska.

This is not an open access article, but the abstract is available at the the URI below.

Presentations from the 6th annual meeting

Presentations from the 6th annual meeting are now available via the links below.

The University of Alaska Museum Insect Collection’s switch to using Arctos: A review of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Derek Sikes, UAF, UAM.

A first look at defoliation events on the Kenai Peninsula from 2000-2012 using MODIS data. Matt Bowser, USFWS.

Developing an improved trapping tool to survey cerambycid beetles: evaluation of trap type, height, habitat, and lure composition. Liz Graham, USDA Forest Service.

White Sweetclover, Pollination and Berry Production: What’s the Buzz? Christa Mulder, Katie Villano, and Laura Schneller, UAF.

Systematics of Alaskan Aegialites Beetles: Extremely Endemic or Oversplit?. Casey Bickford, UAF, UAM.

Denali Bug Camp 2012. Sayde Ridling, UAF, UAM.

Forest insect conditions in Alaska. James Kruse, USDA Forest Service.

New Publication: Factors influencing northern spruce engraver colonization of white spruce slash in interior Alaska

In this article, which appeared in the February 2013 issue of Forest Ecology and Management, the authors studied the effects of several slash treatments on colonization rates and reproductive success of the northern spruce engraver (Ips perturbatus) on white spruce (Picea glauca). The full article should be available at one of the URI’s below.  A second URI has been provided because appeared to be unavailable at the time of this posting.